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HomeGeneralBooming Blade Guide | Everything That You Must Know

Booming Blade Guide | Everything That You Must Know

Duration of The Casting1 Action
RangeSelf (5-foot radius)
ComponentsS, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp)
Time allottedOne Round
Spell ListsArtificer, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock

You brandish the weapon that was used in the casting of the spell and use it to launch a close-range attack against one of the creatures that is within five feet of you. If the attack is successful, the regular consequences of the weapon attack will be inflicted on the target, and they will also be encased in a booming energy field that will last until the beginning of your next turn. If the victim moves more than 5 feet in any direction before that point without the caster’s permission, they will take 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell will be broken.

When Reaching Higher Levels At the fifth level, the target of the melee attack takes an additional 1d8 thunder damage if the attack hits, and the damage that the victim takes for movement rises to 2d8. At the 11th level, each of the damage rolls rises to 2d8 and 3d8, and this increase is repeated at the 17th level (3d8 and 4d8).

Spell Lists. Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard all rolled into one

The Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything are the sources for this information.

What is Booming Blade?

The cantrip known as Booming Blade does lightning damage to targets at close range and possesses significant strategic power. All three classes of sorcerers and wizards can cast this spell. Warlocks can also use it. This cantrip has the potential to be highly powerful, giving players the opportunity to deliver additional damage in melee combat if they are using it correctly.

How Does Booming Blade Work?

In order to cast Booming Blade, a character is required to engage in close combat first. If the attack is successful, the creature takes damage in the form of energy that lasts until the beginning of its next turn. If the monster being afflicted by the lightning goes further than five feet, it takes 1d8 lightning damage.

There are several applications for the Booming Blade. Players who like tactical conflict will appreciate the versatility of this cantrip, which is capable of both dealing with damages and limiting the options available to the adversary.

However, in order for a character to use Booming Blade, they need to be within the melee range of their opponent. This makes it quite difficult to appreciate the utility of this cantrip. After all, the spell does not deliver damage unless the adversary moves a distance of at least 5 feet. If an adversary is already inside melee range, there is no need for it to move away from you.

As it turns out, there are a lot of different reasons why something like that could take place. And Dungeons & Dragons players have come up with a plethora of creative methods to use this information. It is feasible to consistently deal more damage whenever you use Booming Blade if you combine it with the appropriate feats and class archetypes.

How to Use Booming Blade?

After casting Booming Blade, a character has the option of fleeing the battlefield, which forces their opponent to pursue them. Running away from the close-quarters battle, though, will open you up to attacks of opportunity. How is it possible to make effective use of the Booming Blade ability? Is there a tried-and-true method for players to increase the amount of damage dealt by this evocation cantrip?

For Those Who Play

Booming Blade is a cantrip that offers a wide variety of intriguing uses. In order to cast it, the user must first complete a successful melee attack. This cantrip is useful for Wizards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks, although Fighters and Rogues can also make use of its effects because of the spell’s versatility.

When used by a character of low level, Booming Blade deals 1d8 points of lightning damage. Booming Blade is a powerful spell that may be used even by players who have reached high levels because the damage it deals with rises at levels 5, 11, and 17.

However, in order for Booming Blade to deliver damage, the victim must first advance a distance of at least 5 feet. When opponents are close enough for melee combat, it is more difficult to coerce them to move. After all, there is no point in taking any chances if the adversary can harm the player.

Booming Blade can be utilized in a variety of different ways. However, how players choose to make use of this cantrip will be determined by a number of factors, including the class of their character and their preferred method of combat.

The majority of players make use of Booming Blade to achieve the following objectives:

  • Maintaining command over the enemy’s movements
  • Dissuading the foe from launching an attack on the caster
  • Dealing more damage

It’s not easy to find a cantrip these days. It is not easy to find one that can be effective at both basic levels and high levels of play. The Booming Blade is a multipurpose weapon that may be obtained early on in the game.

The player will discover that the majority of foes prefer to avoid coming into close combat with them. For instance, Wizards and Rogues are infamous for maintaining a safe distance between themselves and the enemies they face.

A Booming Blade is an effective tool for dealing with foes that like to maintain their distance from you, as it causes them to take damage if they opt to escape close-quarters combat. When a Wizard is struck by Booming Blade, they will think twice about fleeing the scene.

This cantrip combines nicely with the benefits of the Mobile feat. After making a melee strike, characters with the Mobile feat won’t risk opening themselves up to a new assault of opportunity. The Booming Blade cantrip can be cast by a character who uses this method, and the character can then leave the fight without incurring any penalties.

For DMs

DMs should consider which NPCs might handle the Booming Blade. These adversaries have the potential to completely change the game for the party if they are utilized well. Make use of this cantrip to inflict some more damage on the spellcasters in the party or to put some strain on the party’s big hitters.

It’s possible that a squad of Eldritch Knights equipped with Booming Blade could prove to be rather dangerous. These knights have access to the Booming Blade ability, which can restrict the movement of the party. The DMs could use this concept to great effect by giving the party a local task that they have to complete. Or, it’s possible that the Knights are providing cover for the villain while he makes his getaway.

A group of treacherous Arcane Tricksters might cause far more damage than a single individual. These Rogues might torment the party with Booming Blade by using their Cunning Action ability to attack and then disengage at the end of each turn, bringing pain and thunder with each rapier stroke. When used with Sneak Attack, this cantrip becomes more damaging.

If the players are using Booming Blade, it could be a good idea to have foes that are armed with ranged weapons so they can compete with the players. When facing up against a party, it’s always a good idea to give them a variety of troops to fight against. Not only does this provide the DM with additional options in a fight, but it also tends to make the game more enjoyable overall when new creatures are introduced.

How Good is Booming Blade?

The Booming Blade can be an extremely powerful weapon in battle if it is used with accuracy. Due to the cantrip’s versatility, both Wizards and Fighters are able to make use of it; nevertheless, in order for players to unlock the full potential of Booming Blade, they will first need to perform a little bit of research.

The ideal way to make use of Booming Blade is to augment the capabilities of a specific set of class archetypes. It is essential to bear in mind that when you cast Booming Blade, you are actually doing a Spell Action rather than an Attack Action. As a result, it does not have any synergy with abilities like Extra Attack that require the usage of the Attack Action in order to function properly.

The Best Character Builds for Booming Blade

As a result of the fact that the Rogue’s Cunning Action ability synergizes so effectively with the Booming Blade cantrip, many of the Roguish Archetypes make for strong candidates for this cantrip. Booming Blade is also a useful ability for Eldritch Knights and Bladesingers, who can use it to their advantage.

The spell known as Booming Blade is quite adaptable and useful in battle. As a direct consequence of this, a wide variety of classes are eligible to make use of the cantrip. Even though we have highlighted some of the most popular characters builds in this piece, players are always encouraged to come up with their own original ideas for their characters.

The Arcane Trickster

It is up to the rogue to decide whether or not to study arcane arts, which will allow them to improve their skills through the use of sorcery and illusion. When a Rogue reaches level 3, they have access to the Arcane Trickster archetype. These Rogue spellcasters become proficient in three cantrips drawn from the Wizard’s lexicon.

It is possible for an Arcane Trickster utilizing Booming Blade to take advantage of the Cunning Action ability that is available to Rogues. This ability, which the Rogue learns at level 2, grants them the ability to perform a bonus action to either Disengage, Dash, or Hide from an opponent.

Booming Blade, an ability available to Arcane Tricksters, deals regular weapon damage when performed within melee range. Arcane Tricksters can then use a bonus action to disengage and get away from the fight. They detonate when the opponent makes any kind of movement. The process must be repeated.

The Bladesinger Wizard

Some Wizards think that every problem can be solved with a spell. Others can’t find anything that makes them feel as safe as a good blade. Wizards of the second type can follow the Arcane Tradition of Bladesinging if they want to. These spellcasters might want to use Booming Blade.

These Elven Wizards are good with blades as well as magic, and they aren’t afraid to fight dangerous monsters head-on. Bladesinger Wizards aren’t afraid to take a punch, unlike some of their friends who are too shy to do so.

Wizards put intelligence first, so it’s hard for them to do a lot of damage with their hands. Booming Blade lets Bladesingers increase their melee damage, which is a very important skill, especially early in the game.

The Eldritch Knight

Some Fighters learn magic to help them win fights. These Eldritch Knights learn a small number of powerful spells and use them in a strategic way to defeat their enemies. Fighters can choose the path of the Eldritch Knight at level 3. Eldritch Knights, unlike Wizards, don’t keep spellbooks. Instead, they learn the few spells they know by heart.

Eldritch Knights can use spells from the evocation and abjuration schools of magic. Eldritch Knights can learn this cantrip because it is an evocation spell. Booming Blade can be used by these Fighters to gain more control over the battlefield. Even though Eldritch Knights know a few spells, they won’t be in the back of a fight. With Booming Blade, these Knights can force their enemies to make hard decisions.

Most enemies go for the weakest members of the party first. When Booming Blade hits an enemy, it tells it to stay where it is. This helps keep the other people in the group safe.

The Booming Swashbuckler

Swashbucklers are very good with swords. The way they fight is an art form for these Rogues. At level 3, these Rogues learn the ability “Fancy Footwork,” which teaches them how to attack an enemy and then get away without causing them to attack back.

By getting the Magic Initiate feat, any character can learn cantrips from the Wizard’s spell list, including Booming Blade. When a Swashbuckler uses Fancy Footwork and Booming Blade together, he or she can hit an enemy and then move out of melee range. When hit by a Booming Rapier, an enemy can either wait to be attacked or face the thunder.

Booming Blade Tactics

Booming Blade is a move that can be used to limit an opponent’s options in combat. When the Booming Blade hits a creature, it wraps it in light. It goes boom if the creature tries to run. It goes boom if it moves to attack another character. If you don’t move it, the light goes out, but you can hit it again.

Booming Blade is also a good way to hide when you want to run away. Not every fight is worth getting into. Before you run away, try to hit the enemy with Booming Blade. With magic on your side, it’s easier to get away. As you can imagine, it’s hard enough to chase someone without having to worry about thunder damage.

Not all enemies in Dungeons & Dragons want to fight up close. Some animals like to fight from far away. Rogues, for example, are very good at hiding in the shadows and getting away from both blades and justice. The Booming Blade skill can be used to stop enemies from running away. With this trick, any cowards who are quick on their feet will have their heads shaken.

How Often Can You Use Booming Blade?

Due to the fact that Booming Blade is a cantrip, there is no restriction on the number of times a character may use it. Cantrips are miniature spells that can be developed through training in the various aspects of the magical arts. When one is experienced enough with these spells, casting them feels almost like second nature.

Is Booming Blade a Bonus Action?

Booming Blade requires one action from the Spell Attack category. As a direct consequence of this, characters typically are unable to make use of bonus action in order to cast this cantrip. The Sorcerer is the one and only exception to this rule.

The Sorcerer has the ability to perform certain spells as a bonus action thanks to the Metamagic talents at their disposal. Sorcerers have the ability to “Quicken” Booming Blade and cast it as a bonus action if they pay two of their sorcery points to do so.

Best Feats for Booming Blade

It is possible to increase the power of a spell by using Booming Blade in conjunction with a wide variety of other spells and abilities. For instance, characters with the Booming Blade prestige class feature have the opportunity to take the Spell Sniper feat, allowing them to perform the cantrip from a greater distance.

When cast, Spell Sniper causes a spell that has an attack roll to have twice the normal range. Spell Sniper allows characters to cast Booming Blade from a distance of 10 feet, up from the normal 5 feet. This nefarious combination works exceptionally well against adversaries that do not have access to ranged attacks.

Of course, Spell Sniper isn’t the only accomplishment that pairs well with Booming Blade; it just so happens to be the one that comes to mind first. One of the benefits of taking the War Caster feat is gaining the ability to cast a spell whenever an opponent opens up a window of opportunity for an attack against you. Imagine a goblin attempting to elude a wizard wielding a war caster. He is running as fast as he can. As it turns its back to flee, the goblin instigates an attack on its pursuers. The astute Wizard uses her staff to strike the goblin while simultaneously casting the spell Booming Blade on it. The lightning strikes just as the goblin is about to escape. Turn out the lights, you mischievous goblin.


The cantrip known as Booming Blade is an excellent option for a wide variety of characters. This spell can be used to deal additional damage by a wide variety of characters, including Fighters, Rogues, Wizards, and Sorcerers.

The Booming Blade is another effective tactical spell that gives characters some measure of control over the environment. No matter how players decide to make use of this cantrip, they can be certain that the effects will be explosive.

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